By (in) the sw eat of one’s brow - В поте лица

To live by the sweat of one’s brow means to earn one’s living by hard work. It is an allusion to the Bible story of Adam and Eve and the fall of man. (See To eat of the tree of knowledge.)
The actors rehearsed from nine to twelve, dined and went to the theatre; they left it at seven; and then, however tired, if important people wanted them, the mayor, the judge or what not, off they had to traipse and give a show. They earned their bread in the sweat of their brows.
W. S-. Maugham , Don Fernando

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Выражение в поте лица употребляется в значении ‘усердно трудиться, тяжким трудом добывать хлеб’. Оно возникло из библейской легенды о грехопадении Адама и Евы. Изгоняя их из рая, бог проклял Адама, сказав ему: «В поте лица твоего будешь добывать хлеб свой».